At the turn of the 20th century…
The Times solicited answers from thinkers the world over on the question of “what is wrong with the world?” British writer G.K. Chesterton had what I think was the most honest answer.
I’ll give you about 2 seconds to read it:

When the “ship” isn’t running right, the most human thing to do is to blame another crew member. Or the weather. Or whoever built the ship.
I don’t have to tell you how poorly that works.
A ship that can weather any storm is one where everyone owns their work, their responsibilities, and their mistakes. All the way from the captain down to the chef’s assistant peeling potatoes below deck.
And if you’re in charge of your company, that means owning your role first before your team owns theirs.
So, I have to ask. “What’s wrong with the world?”
I know my answer.