What Can Hemorrhoids Teach Us About Advertising?

Telling the truth isn’t that simple in advertising. It’s not that desirable either. We don’t want the truth. Because the truth isn’t all that interesting. Which is why stories laced with “truthiness” seem to do so well. We’d rather have it “based on a true story” that represents the values most important to us. ThenContinue reading “What Can Hemorrhoids Teach Us About Advertising?”

Pivot Your Marketing: The Hero’s Journey with Erik

Erik was invited a few years ago to participate in the “Pivot Your Marketing” a webinar hosted by Paul Greiner of Vidwheel. The part workshop mini marathon, part panel, invited viewers to rethink, redesign, and relaunch their marketing during a time of crisis. The best part? Each of the 5 presentations needed to be under 10Continue reading “Pivot Your Marketing: The Hero’s Journey with Erik”